- Amber accepting the Mamontov Graduate Chemistry Scholar Award.
- Taylor accepting the C.A. Buehler award at 2018 Chemistry Honors Day.
- Ian accepting the Scroggie award at 2018 Chemistry Honors Day.
- Amber passed her ORP...congratulations!
EuRECA 2017 Poster Session
Roxanne Puleo, Emily Kounvalong, and Taylor Payne present their research at EuRECA 017. (missing Katherine West)
2017 EuRECA Award
1st place in the Neuroscience Division
2017 Chemistry Honors Day
Josh Moore, Taylor Payne, and Peymon Baghernejad
2017 Chemistry Honors Day
(L to R): Josh Moore, Taylor Payne, Bhavya Sharma, Peymon Baghernejad, Amber Moody, Emily Kounvalong (missing: Katherine West and Roxanne Puleo)
Group Photo Fall 2016
1st row (L to R): Katherine West, Bhavya Sharma, Amber Moody, Emily Kounvalong
2nd row (L to R): Peymon Baghernejad, Taylor Payne, Roxanne Puelo, Josh MooreGroup Photo Summer 2016
(L to R): Peymon Baghernejad, Kelsey Weeb (REU), Josh Moore, Bhavya Sharma, Amber MoodyGroup Photo Summer 2016
End of summer/REU program mini golf outing. Amber won 🙂
(L to R): Josh Moore, Kelsey Webb, Bhavya Sharma, Peymon Baghernejad, Amber MoodyGroup Photo Fall 2015
1st row (L to R): Emily Kounlavong, Jenny Patel, Bhavya Sharma, AMber Moody, Lauren Lawson
2nd row (L to R): Josh Moore, Maya Bortters, Peymon Baghernejad